Community + Crisis Resources:


 National Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 or 911

Lincoln County Crisis - 866-266-0288 or 888-232-7192

Benton County Crisis - 888-232-7192

Multnomah County Crisis - 503-988-4888

Washington County Crisis Line503-291-9111

Peers and RESOURCES:

Brandon Bressi, LPC, at Inner Movements

Chris Ferrante, LPC, counselor specializing in LGBQT services

Meru Health - Online 12 week Mindfulness treatment program via phone app

Marianne Wells, yoga teacher trainer, at Marianne Wells Yoga School

Alison Wesley, Yoga Teacher, owner of Working with Yoga


Proudly offering counseling in Newport & CORVALLIS, OrEGON

Moments in Change, LLC // Nathan Hayward - LPC, NCC // // 503-974-4168